
CommunityCategory: XMODELPlotting waveforms after parameter sweep simulation


Plotting waveforms after parameter sweep simulation

SA Support Team Staff 2022-02-22

I ran a parameter sweep simulation using the --sweep option of xmodel, following the guidelines of this Q&A posting. After the simulation, I found the resulting waveform files are individually stored in the sub-directories named sweep.1/, sweep.2/, sweep.3/, and so on, which are located under the directory named

To plot the waveforms of a signal across all the sweep cases, I have to load the individual waveform files located in different sub-directories one-by-one, select the same signal stored in each of the waveform files one-by-one, and finally merge all the plots into a single pane manually. This process is very tedious.

Is there a better way to plot the waveforms of a parameter sweep simulation all at once?

1 Answers
Best Answer
SA Support Team Staff 2022-02-22

Starting with the XMODEL 2022.02 Release, XWAVE supports the '--loadall' option, which loads all the supported waveform files found in a given directory path (by default, the current working directory). If the directory path contains a '' sub-directory, then the option directs XWAVE to load all the waveform files located in its sub-directories named sweep.1, sweep.2, sweep.3, and so on.

Simply put, this command below will launch XWAVE and load all the waveform files resulting from a parameter sweep simulation:

xwave --loadall

It is also made easier to plot the waveforms of a selected signal across all the sweep cases. When the loaded waveform files share the same set of variables, XWAVE activates a waveform file entry named 'ALL: All Opened Files' in the signal browser dialog window. Select this entry as the waveform file and choose the signal you want to plot. XWAVE will then plot the waveforms of the signal stored in all the loaded waveform files all at once.


파라메터 sweep 시뮬레이션 수행후에 파형 plot하는 법

SA Support Team Staff 2022-02-22

이 Q&A 포스팅에 설명되어 있는 안내를 따라서, xmodel 명령에 --sweep 옵션을 주어 파라메터 sweep 시뮬레이션을 수행하였습니다. 시뮬레이션이 진행되면서 각 케이스에 대한 파형파일이 폴더 아래에 위치한 서브폴더 sweep.1/, sweep.2/, sweep.3/, …에 하나씩 저장되는 것을 확인하였습니다.

시뮬레이션이 완료된 후, sweep을 수행한 모든 케이스에 대해 어느 한 신호를 plot하려면, 먼저 XWAVE를 실행해 각각 다른 서브폴더에 위치한 파형파일들을 하나하나씩 로딩해야하고, 각 파형파일에 담긴 같은 이름의 신호를 하나하나씩 선택하여 plot하고, 마지막으로 생성된 모든 plot들을 손으로 하나씩 옮겨 하나의 pane으로 합치는 작업을 해야 했습니다. 이 모든 작업이 수작업을 요구하고 비효율적이었습니다.

파라메터 sweep 시뮬레이션을 수행한후, 그 결과파형들을 plot하는 좀더 효율적인 방법이 있을까요?

1 Answers
Best Answer
SA Support Team Staff 2022-02-22

Starting with the XMODEL 2022.02 Release, XWAVE supports the '--loadall' option, which loads all the supported waveform files found in a given directory path (by default, the current working directory). If the directory path contains a '' sub-directory, then the option directs XWAVE to load all the waveform files located in its sub-directories named sweep.1, sweep.2, sweep.3, and so on.

Simply put, this command below will launch XWAVE and load all the waveform files resulting from a parameter sweep simulation:

xwave --loadall

It is also made easier to plot the waveforms of a selected signal across all the sweep cases. When the loaded waveform files share the same set of variables, XWAVE activates a waveform file entry named 'ALL: All Opened Files' in the signal browser dialog window. Select this entry as the waveform file and choose the signal you want to plot. XWAVE will then plot the waveforms of the signal stored in all the loaded waveform files all at once.