
probe_xreal :
A probe for an xreal-typed signal.

The probe_xreal primitive records the waveform of an xreal-typed signal into a file.

The parameter filename sets the name of the waveform file, of which extension determines the waveform format (e.g. “.jez” for JEZ and “.fsdb” for FSDB). When recording in JEZ format, the parameter format defines whether the data are recorded in a binary (“jezbinary”) or ascii (“jezascii”) format. When recording in FSDB format, the parameters abstol and reltol set the error tolerance of recording the true waveform as an approximate piecewise-linear waveform. The parameters start and stop define when the recording begins and ends, respectively.

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
in input xreal signal to record


Name Type Default Unit Description
filename string “xmodel.jez” None output filename
format string “jezbinary” None format version
start real 0.0 seconds abs. time to start recording
stop real -1.0 seconds abs. time to stop recording
abstol real 1e-4 None absolute tolerance
reltol real 1e-2 None relative tolerance
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