
clk_to_phase :
A clock-to-phase domain translator.

The clk_to_phase primitive takes a periodic clock input in and produces an output signal out that expresses the phase of the clock according to the user-specified frequency (freq). The output signal is an xreal-typed, step signal which gets updated at each rising edge of the input clock.

The parameter phase_wrap controls whether the output is to be wrapped within a [-pi, pi) range (phase_wrap=1) or not (phase_wrap=0).

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
out output xreal phase output
in input xbit clock input


Name Type Default Unit Description
freq real 1.0e9 Hz nominal clock frequency
phase_wrap integer 1 None enable phase wrapping within [-pi, pi)
« clk_to_period
delay_to_clk »