
mux_xbit :
A multi-input multiplexer with xbit-type input/output’s.

The mux_xbit primitive models a digital multiplexer with xbit-typed signals. It is suitable for processing digital signals of which precise timing information must be preserved.

The propagation delay of the logic gate is specified by the parameter delay. The implemented delay is inertial, meaning that if a new input event arrives before the previous input event propagates to the output, the output event will be overriden with the one corresponding to the new input event. If a transport delay behavior is desired, use the delay_xbit primitive instead.

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
out output xbit output signal
in input xbit input signals
sel input xbit selection signals (binary-coded)


Name Type Default Unit Description
num_in integer 2 None number of inputs
width_sel integer 1 None width of selection bits
delay real 0.0 seconds propagation delay
« latch_xbit
nand_xbit »