
dff_rst_sync_xbit :
A D flip-flop with xbit-type input/output’s and synchronous reset.

The dff_rst_sync_xbit primitive models a D flip-flop with a data input d, a clock input clk, an output q, and a synchronous reset input rst. All the input and output signals are xbit-typed. This primitive is suitable when processing digital signals with precise timing information.

The parameter trig_edge specifies whether the D flip-flop is triggered by the positive edge (+1), negative edge (-1), or both edges (0) of the clock clk. The parameter rst_level specifies whether the reset input rst is active-high (1) or active-low (0). And the parameter init_value defines the initial value of the output q.

The parameter delay_cq defines the propagation delay from the triggering edge of the clock to the output q. This delay is inertial, meaning that if a new triggering clock edge arrives before the previous change propagates to the output, the output change will be overriden with the one corresponding to the new triggering clock event.

When the parameter setup_time or hold_time is specified, the primitive also checks the setup or hold timing constraints, respectively. The parameter setup_time defines the amount of time the input d must be stable before the triggering edge of the clock and the parameter hold_time defines the amount of time the input d must be stable after the triggering edge of the clock. The parameter check_mode defines the action when a timing constraint is violated, whether the primitive changes its output q to a value x (1), displays a warning message (2), or does both (3).

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
q output xbit data output
d input xbit data input
clk input xbit clock input
rst input xbit reset input


Name Type Default Unit Description
trig_edge integer 1 None triggering clock edge
rst_level logic 1’b1 None active level of reset
init_value logic 1’bx None initial value
delay_cq real 0.0 seconds clk-to-q delay
setup_time real `NaN seconds setup time constraint
hold_time real `NaN seconds hold time constraint
check_mode integer 1 None action for violation
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dff_set_async_xbit »