
DPC_PhaseDAC_Encoder : An encoder logic for a phase-domain digital-to-analog converter (DAC)

An encoder logic converts one digital representation to another. This particular encoder logic for a phase-domain digital-to-analog converter (DAC) converts the 6-bit input code in[5:0], indicating the phase position spanning from 0 to 360 degrees with uniform steps, to a set of output codes sel_e[1:0], sel_o[1:0], and mix[2:0], each of which corresponds to the inputs to the even and odd phase multiplexers and phase interpolator, respectively, for the phase-domain DAC to produce the output clock with the desired phase.

This encoder model is described in pure Verilog. The outputs are retimed with the rising edge of the phase inpterpolator output clock clk to prevent them from switching during the output clock transition.

module DPC_PhaseDAC_Encoder (
    output reg [1:0] sel_e,         // selection for even mux
    output reg [1:0] sel_o,         // selection for odd mux
    output reg [2:0] mix,           // weight for phase interpolator
    input [5:0] in,                 // input code
    input clk                       // input clock

    wire [1:0] rsel_e, rsel_o;
    wire [2:0] rmix;
    // encoder logic
    assign rsel_e = in[5:4] + in[3];
    assign rsel_o = in[5:4];
    assign rmix = in[3] ? ~in[2:0] : in[2:0];
    // retimers
    initial begin
        sel_e = 2'b0;
        sel_o = 2'b0;
        mix = 3'b0;
    always @(posedge clk) begin
        sel_e = rsel_e;
        sel_o = rsel_o;
        mix = rmix;


Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
sel_e[1:0] output reg selection for even mux
sel_o[1:0] output reg selection for odd mux
mix[2:0] output reg weight for phase interpolator
in[5:0] input wire input code
clk input wire input clock