
DIV_ProgDividerSyncRetimer : A programmable frequency divider with a synchronous retimer

A programmable frequency divider produces an output clock with a frequency that is equal to the input clock frequency divided by a programmable factor. As it may be difficult for such a programmable frequency divider to guarantee low-latency, low-jitter output, a synchronous retimer flip-flop triggered by the input clock is commonly added to the output in order to reduce the latency and improve the jitter sensitivity.

This model for a programmable frequency divider with a synchronous retimer is described as a Verilog model followed by a dff_xbit primitive. The Verilog model describes the programmable frequency divider part and the dff_xbit primitive describes the synchronous retimer, aligning the timing of the output clock to that of the input clock. The parameter N sets the frequency division factor, which must be greater than 1. Note that the output clock’s duty cycle may not be exactly at 50% when the division factor is an odd number. For instance, when division factor is 3, the duty cycle is 33.3%. The parameter delay_cq defines the clock-to-q delay of the retimer flip-flop. The dff_xbit primitive preserves the accurate timing relationship between the input clock in and output clock out, independent of the simulation timestep.

`include "xmodel.h"

module DIV_ProgDividerSyncRetimer #(
    parameter N = 2,                    // frequency division factor
    parameter real delay_cq = 40e-12    // clk-to-q delay of retimer
    `input_xbit in,                     // input clock
    `output_xbit out                    // divided output clock

    // variables
    integer count = 0;  
    bit in_bit, div_bit;
    xbit div;
    // check div_factor
    initial begin
        if (N < 2) begin
            $xmodel_error("The division factor N should be larger than one: ", N);
    // count edges
    xbit_to_bit in_to_bit(.in(in), .out(in_bit));
    always @(posedge in_bit) begin
        count = count + 1;
        if (count == N/2) begin
            div_bit = 1;
        else if (count == N) begin
            div_bit = 0;
            count = 0;

    // retiming the final output
    bit_to_xbit div_to_xbit(.in(div_bit), .out(div));
    dff_xbit    #(.delay_cq(delay_cq)) dff(.d(div), .q(out), .clk(in));


Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
in input xbit input clock
out output xbit divided output clock


Name Type Default Description
N integer 2 frequency division factor
delay_cq real 40e-12 clk-to-q delay of retimer

List of Testbenches

tb_check : A testbench for checking the basic operation of a frequency divider with a fixed-frequency clock input

tb_check : A testbench for checking the basic operation of a frequency divider with a fixed-frequency clock input

The testbench checks the basic functionality of a frequency divider by applying a fixed-frequency clock to its input in. The frequency divider is expected to produce an output clock of which frequency is a divided value of the input frequency.

Simulation Results

input and output waveforms

Figure. input and output waveforms.