
prbs_gen :
A digital PRBS generator.

The prbs_gen primitive generates a pseudo-random bit sequence (PRBS) with a length of 2^N-1 to an xbit-typed output when triggered by the input trig. The LFSR length N is set by the parameter length. The valid range of length is 3~128 (default: 7).

The primitive can also generate a parallel stream of M-bit pseudo-random sequences, where the bit-width M is set by the parameter width. The parameter seq_mode defines whether the parallel stream is a MSB-first sequence (1) or LSB-first sequence (0). Its default value is 1 (MSB-first).

The parameter trig_mode defines whether the primitive is triggered by the positive edge (1), negative edge (-1), or both edges (0) of the input trig (default: 1).

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
out output xbit signal output
trig input xbit trigger input


Name Type Default Unit Description
length int 7 None LFSR length
width int 1 None output width
seq_mode int 0 None sequence mode
trig_mode int 1 None triggering mode
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