
probe_dc :
A DC analysis probe for measuring DC transfer function.

The probe_dc primitive measures the DC transfer function of a circuit by supplying a DC stimulus (stim) and measuring the circuit’s response (resp). That is, one can measure a DC transfer function by configuring a testbench that feeds the stim output of this primitive to the circuit’s input and connects the circuit’s output to the resp input of this primitive.

The probe_dc primitive produces a DC signal for its stim output, stepping from start to stop at an increment of step. The change in stim can be triggered either internally or externally depending on the value of the parameter period. When period is greater than 0, the change is triggered internally at a period of period after an initial delay of delay. When period is 0, the change is triggered externally whenever the trig input changes to a different value. Before making each change to stim, the probe_dc primitive takes a measurement on the resp input and records the results in a table format to a text file named by the parameter filename. For desired results, the triggering period must be set long enough for the circuit to reach its final DC response. Also, the simulation must be run longer than delay+period*(stop-start+step)/step in order for the primitive to collect the entire transfer function.

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
stim output xreal stimulus (to circuit)
resp input xreal response (from circuit)
trig input xbit trigger input


Name Type Default Unit Description
filename string “probe_dc.dat” None output filename
start real 0.0 None start value
stop real 1.0 None stop value
step real 0.1 None step value
period real 0.0 seconds trigger period
delay real 0.0 seconds initial delay
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