
transition :
An xbit-to-xreal transition filter.

The transition primitive converts an xbit-typed, binary signal to an xreal-typed, analog signal, by assigning analog values to the 0- and 1-levels and optionally making the transition times finite. It can also model additional inertial delay.

The parameters value0 and value1 define the corresponding analog values to the input’s 0 and 1 values, respectively. The parameters rise_time and fall_time define the rise and fall times of the 0-to-1 and 1-to-0 transitions, respectively. The parameters rise_time and fall_time by default have values of 0.0, in which case, the corresponding transition will occur instantaneously. If the parameter rise_time or fall_time takes a positive value, the value must be greater than the unit simulation time step (i.e. time precision).

The parameter delay specifies the optional inertial delay of the primitive applied before the conversion. In other words, if the xbit-typed input in changes to a new value before the time equal to delay elapses since the previous input value change, the previous input change event will be overriden by the new input change event. When the parameter rise_time or fall_time has a value greater than 0.0, the parameter delay assumes the minimum value equal to the unit simulation timestep (i.e. time precision).

The parameters valueX and valueZ define the mapped values of logic X and logic Z, respectively. For example, if valueX is set to 0, all input values corresponding to logic X are treated as logic 0. Note that by default, the primitive ignores the logic X and logic Z values of the input and retains the last output value.

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
out output xreal analog output
in input xbit digital input


Name Type Default Unit Description
value0 real 0.0 None value for logic 0
value1 real 1.0 None value for logic 1
rise_time real 0.0 seconds rise transition time
fall_time real 0.0 seconds fall transition time
delay real 0.0 seconds propagation delay
valueX logic 1’bx None mapped value of logic X
valueZ logic 1’bz None mapped value of logic Z
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