
CommunityCategory: GLISTERReleasing the GLISTER license after a certain inactive period


Releasing the GLISTER license after a certain inactive period

SA Support Team Staff 2020-11-06

My company has a limited number of GLISTER licenses and we often run short of them. But sometimes, we notice that the GLISTER licenses are held by some users who have not used the GLISTER features for a long period of time. Is there a way to make the GLISTER license be released when GLISTER is inactive for a certain period of time?

1 Answers
Best Answer
SA Support Team Staff 2020-11-06

Yes, you can set the time-out period of GLISTER licenses, so they get released (e.g. "checked-in") after a certain inactive period. You can do so either by defining an environment variable, $XMODEL_LICENSE_TIMEOUT, in the Linux shell or by defining a SKILL variable, xmodelLicenseTimeOut, in Cadence Virtuoso. The default time-out period is 24 hours.

For example, let's say we want to set the time-out period to be 3 hours (180 minutes). The first way is to define the environment variable $XMODEL_LICENSE_TIMEOUT with the following command:


for a bash-like shell, and


for a csh-like shell.

The second way is to define the SKILL variable xmodelLicenseTimeOut when the Cadence Virtuoso starts. For example, within the .cdsinit initialization file, you can insert a line that defines xmodelLicenseTimeOut after the lines that load the XMODEL/GLISTER context file:

; XMODEL/Virtuoso Integration Setup 
loadContext( strcat( XMODEL_HOME "/cadence/etc/xmodel.cxt" ) ) 
callInitProc( "xmodel" )

xmodelLicenseTimeOut = 180

Note that this xmodelLicenseTimeOut variable must be defined after the XMODEL/GLISTER context file is loaded.

In addition, you can release or check-in the GLISTER license at any time you want. You can do this by selecting the GLISTER->Check-in License menu from the Virtuoso Schematic Editor window. If this menu becomes inactive, it means that the GLISTER license has been released and is no longer in use.


일정 시간동안 사용되지 않는 GLISTER 라이선스를 회수하는 방법

SA Support Team Staff 2020-11-06

제 회사는 제한된 수량의 GLISTER 라이선스를 보유하고 있고, 부족 현상이 종종 있습니다. 하지만, 이따금 GLISTER 라이선스가 GLISTER 기능을 오랫동안 사용하지 않은 사용자에 의해 잡혀있는 것을 발견합니다. 사용자가 일정 시간 동안 GLISTER를 사용하지 않을 경우 라이선스가 회수되도록 하는 방법이 있나요?

1 Answers
Best Answer
SA Support Team Staff 2020-11-06

Yes, you can set the time-out period of GLISTER licenses, so they get released (e.g. "checked-in") after a certain inactive period. You can do so either by defining an environment variable, $XMODEL_LICENSE_TIMEOUT, in the Linux shell or by defining a SKILL variable, xmodelLicenseTimeOut, in Cadence Virtuoso. The default time-out period is 24 hours.

For example, let's say we want to set the time-out period to be 3 hours (180 minutes). The first way is to define the environment variable $XMODEL_LICENSE_TIMEOUT with the following command:


for a bash-like shell, and


for a csh-like shell.

The second way is to define the SKILL variable xmodelLicenseTimeOut when the Cadence Virtuoso starts. For example, within the .cdsinit initialization file, you can insert a line that defines xmodelLicenseTimeOut after the lines that load the XMODEL/GLISTER context file:

; XMODEL/Virtuoso Integration Setup 
loadContext( strcat( XMODEL_HOME "/cadence/etc/xmodel.cxt" ) ) 
callInitProc( "xmodel" )

xmodelLicenseTimeOut = 180

Note that this xmodelLicenseTimeOut variable must be defined after the XMODEL/GLISTER context file is loaded.

In addition, you can release or check-in the GLISTER license at any time you want. You can do this by selecting the GLISTER->Check-in License menu from the Virtuoso Schematic Editor window. If this menu becomes inactive, it means that the GLISTER license has been released and is no longer in use.