
CommunityCategory: GLISTERChecking license server status and license usage


Checking license server status and license usage

SA Support Team Staff 2020-10-28

While using GLISTER, I encountered the following error message in the Cadence Virtuoso CIW:

*Error* Unable to check out the GLISTER license. Abort.

What triggers this error and how can I diagnose its cause and address it?

1 Answers
Best Answer
SA Support Team Staff 2020-10-28

When XMODEL, GLISTER, or MODELZEN does not run due to a license-related error, it could be one of the following three reasons. First, the license server may not be up and running. Second, the $SALMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable may not be correctly defined. Third, all the available licenses may be already in use.

First, check if the $SALMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable is defined, using the following command on the Linux command line:


If it is defined with a string like "9524@server", it is a good news. The actual port number (e.g. "9524") and license server name (e.g. "server") may vary depending on your site's setup. Please consult your license administrator for the more accurate information. If the $SALMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable is not defined, please refer to the XMODEL Installation and Setup Guide on how to define it.

Second, check if your license server is up and running. XMODEL, GLISTER, and MODELZEN use the FlexNet Publisher from Flexera Software, LLC (often called "FlexLM") to administer the usages of their licensed features, and you can check the status of the license server using its 'lmstat' utility on the Linux command line. For example:


If it returns a message including "salmd: UP", the license server defined by the $SALMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable is up and running. If not, the $SALMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable may have an incorrect value, or the license server may be down. Please refer to the FlexNet License Manager (FlexLM) Setup Guide or contact your license administrator for help.

Lastly, check if there is a license available for use. You can do this by adding an '-a' option to the 'lmstat' command.

$ lmstat -c $SALMD_LICENSE_FILE -a

An example output of this command is shown below. You can see how many licenses out of the total issued are being used for each license feature and who are using them.

License server status: 9524@server
    License file(s) on veritas: /cad/licenses/scianalog/scianalog.lic:

    server: license server UP (MASTER) v11.14.1

Vendor daemon status (on server):
    salmd: UP v11.14.1

Feature usage info:

Users of XMODEL:  (Total of 10 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of XWAVE:  (Total of 10 licenses issued;  Total of 1 license in use)

  "XWAVE" v3.1, vendor: salmd, expiry: 31-dec-2020
  floating license

    user01 machine02 /dev/pts/26 (v3.0) (server/9524 701), start Fri 10/23 6:41

Users of GLISTER:  (Total of 3 licenses issued;  Total of 3 licenses in use)

  "GLISTER" v3.1, vendor: salmd, expiry: 31-dec-2020
  floating license

    user01 machine02 /dev/tty (v3.0) (server/9524 1448), start Mon 10/19 1:20
    user02 machine03 /dev/tty (v3.0) (server/9524 2012), start Thu 10/22 5:57
    user03 machine04 /dev/tty (v3.0) (server/9524 2482), start Wed 10/28 0:56

Users of MODELZEN:  (Total of 1 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)


라이센스 서버의 상태와 라이센스 사용량 체크하는 방법

SA Support Team Staff 2020-10-28

GLISTER 사용 도중, 아래와 같은 에러메시지가 Cadence Virtuoso CIW 창에 나타나며 실행을 멈춥니다.

*Error* Unable to check out the GLISTER license. Abort.

왜 이런 에러가 발생하며, 어떻게 진단하고 해결할 수 있을까요?

1 Answers
Best Answer
SA Support Team Staff 2020-10-28

When XMODEL, GLISTER, or MODELZEN does not run due to a license-related error, it could be one of the following three reasons. First, the license server may not be up and running. Second, the $SALMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable may not be correctly defined. Third, all the available licenses may be already in use.

First, check if the $SALMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable is defined, using the following command on the Linux command line:


If it is defined with a string like "9524@server", it is a good news. The actual port number (e.g. "9524") and license server name (e.g. "server") may vary depending on your site's setup. Please consult your license administrator for the more accurate information. If the $SALMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable is not defined, please refer to the XMODEL Installation and Setup Guide on how to define it.

Second, check if your license server is up and running. XMODEL, GLISTER, and MODELZEN use the FlexNet Publisher from Flexera Software, LLC (often called "FlexLM") to administer the usages of their licensed features, and you can check the status of the license server using its 'lmstat' utility on the Linux command line. For example:


If it returns a message including "salmd: UP", the license server defined by the $SALMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable is up and running. If not, the $SALMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable may have an incorrect value, or the license server may be down. Please refer to the FlexNet License Manager (FlexLM) Setup Guide or contact your license administrator for help.

Lastly, check if there is a license available for use. You can do this by adding an '-a' option to the 'lmstat' command.

$ lmstat -c $SALMD_LICENSE_FILE -a

An example output of this command is shown below. You can see how many licenses out of the total issued are being used for each license feature and who are using them.

License server status: 9524@server
    License file(s) on veritas: /cad/licenses/scianalog/scianalog.lic:

    server: license server UP (MASTER) v11.14.1

Vendor daemon status (on server):
    salmd: UP v11.14.1

Feature usage info:

Users of XMODEL:  (Total of 10 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of XWAVE:  (Total of 10 licenses issued;  Total of 1 license in use)

  "XWAVE" v3.1, vendor: salmd, expiry: 31-dec-2020
  floating license

    user01 machine02 /dev/pts/26 (v3.0) (server/9524 701), start Fri 10/23 6:41

Users of GLISTER:  (Total of 3 licenses issued;  Total of 3 licenses in use)

  "GLISTER" v3.1, vendor: salmd, expiry: 31-dec-2020
  floating license

    user01 machine02 /dev/tty (v3.0) (server/9524 1448), start Mon 10/19 1:20
    user02 machine03 /dev/tty (v3.0) (server/9524 2012), start Thu 10/22 5:57
    user03 machine04 /dev/tty (v3.0) (server/9524 2482), start Wed 10/28 0:56

Users of MODELZEN:  (Total of 1 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)