
CommunityCategory: GLISTERThe ‘replay_all’ primitive not displaying the signal pins


The ‘replay_all’ primitive not displaying the signal pins

SA Support Team Staff 2020-10-28

I would like to replay the previously-simulated waveforms using the replay_all primitive as described in this Q&A topic.

I followed the instructions, but I was not able to get the signals to appear as pins. Is there something that I am missing?

1 Answers
Best Answer
SA Support Team Staff 2020-10-28

It is possible that the specified hierarchy prefix may not present in the FSDB waveform file. You can check the full hierarchical names of the signals stored in a waveform file using the XWAVE command with the '-l' option:

$ xwave -l mywaves.fsdb

    date         : Thu October 8 06:01:02 2020
    timestep     : 1e-12
    scopesep     : .
    timescale    : 1e-12
    simulator    : XMODEL 2020.10 Release (x86_64)

    TB.IN                               type:real
    TB.EN                               type:real
    TB.OUT                              type:real
    TB.VDD                              type:real
    TB.VSS                              type:real
    TB.DUT.A                            type:real
    TB.DUT.B                            type:real
    TB.DUT.C                            type:real
    TB.DUT.VDD                          type:real
    TB.DUT.VSS                          type:real

See if you have correctly specified the hierarchy prefix of the signals you want (e.g. TB.DUT). To confirm, you can check what the XWAVE command returns with the '--query' option followed by a hierarchy prefix:

$ xwave --query=TB.DUT mywaves.fsdb
A real
B real
C real
VDD real
VSS real

This is in fact how the replay_all primitive retrieves the list of signal names for a specified hierarchy prefix. If the same set of signals do not appear as pins of the replay_all primitive, please contact Scientific Analog support for further help.