
integ_mod :
An integration with modulo operator for xreal-typed signals

The integ_mod primitive computes the time-integral of an xreal-typed input signal in. Its difference from the integ primitive is that it produces a bounded output ranging from offset to offset + modulus via a modulo operation.

As with the integ primitive, the parameters init_value and scale specify the output initial value of the integral and the input scale factor, respectively, the equation governing the output signal out is as follows:

out = modulo(init_value-offset + scale*integral(from 0 to t) of x(t) dt)
      + offset

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
out output xreal output signal
in input xreal input signal


Name Type Default Unit Description
init_value real 0.0 None output initial value
>scale real 1.0 None input scale factor
modulus real 1.0 None output modulus
offset real 0.0 None output offset
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