
dac :
An ideal digital-to-analog converter.

The dac primitive continuously converts an xbit-typed digital input to an xreal-typed analog output.

The transfer characteristic of the dac primitive is defined in a similar fashion to the adc primitive. In other words, the bit resolution is set by the parameter num_bit and the value range of the output analog signal is set either by defining value_min and value_max or by defining value_min and value_lsb. For the former case, one LSB step (i.e., value_lsb) is defined as (value_max-value_min)/(2^num_bit-1).

The analog output value of the dac primitive is determined by the following equation:

out = in*value_lsb + value_min.

In case the output value range is defined by value_min and value_max parameters, the value_lsb value is determined as:

value_lsb = (value_max - value_min) / (2^num_bit-1).

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
out output xreal analog output
in input xbit digital input


Name Type Default Unit Description
num_bit integer 1 bits DAC resolution
value_min real 0.0 None minimum output value (when in=0)
value_max real -1.0 None maximum output value (when in=2^num_bit-1)
value_lsb real -1.0 None one LSB step
tran_time real 0.0 seconds transition time
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