
buffer :
A buffer for an xreal-typed signal.

The buffer primitive drives an xreal-typed output with an isolated, reduced-order version of an xreal-typed input. One usage is to manually partition a circuit network into clusters. The buffer primitive also tries to reduce the number of events propagated to the output while keeping the error within the tolerance.

The parameters abstol and reltol set the absolute and relative tolerances used for this event-filtering, respectively. The parameter scale defines the optional scale factor (default: 1.0) and the parameter init_value defines the optional initial value of the output at time=0. Also, the parameters Rin and Cin can optionally set the input resistance and capacitance (i.e. Zin(s) = Rin || (1/sCin)), respectively.

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
out output xreal output signal
in input xreal input signal


Name Type Default Unit Description
scale real 1.0 None scale factor
init_value real `NaN None initial value
abstol real 1e-6 None absolute tolerance for event-filtering
reltol real 1e-3 None relative tolerance for event-filtering
Rin real `INFINITY ohms input resistance
Cin real 0.0 farads input capacitance
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