
adc :
An ideal analog-to-digital converter.

The adc primitive continuously digitizes an xreal-typed, continuous-time analog signal into an xbit-typed, digital signal. Therefore, the primitive is basically a multi-level slicer.

The bit resolution of the adc primitive is specified by the parameter num_bit. The value range of the input signal is set either by defining value_min and value_max or by defining value_min and value_lsb. For the former case, one LSB step (i.e., value_lsb) is defined as (value_max-value_min)/(2^num_bit-1).

The input-to-output transfer characteristic of this adc primitive is defined as the following:

out = 0     for in < value_min + 0.5*value_lsb
out = 1     for value_min + 0.5*value_lsb <= in < value_min + 1.5*value_lsb
out = 2     for value_min + 1.5*value_lsb <= in < value_min + 2.5*value_lsb
out = k     for value_min + (k-0.5)*value_lsb <= in < value_min + (k+0.5)*value_lsb
out = 2^num_bit-1 for value_max - 0.5*value_lsb <= in

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
out output xbit digital output
in input xreal analog input


Name Type Default Unit Description
num_bit integer 1 bits ADC resolution
value_min real 0.0 None minimum nominal input for out=0
value_max real -1.0 None maximum nominal input for out=2^num_bit-1
value_lsb real -1.0 None one LSB step
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