
CommunityCategory: XMODELHow to run SystemVerilog simulations with XMODEL primitives without using the ‘xmodel’ command
SA Support Team Staff asked 4 years ago

I have generated a set of SystemVerilog models using the XMODEL primitives and now I want to include them in a system-level simulation. But, the setup for this system-level simulation uses the command 'ncverilog' or 'vcs' to start the simulation. Do I need to change the setup to use the 'xmodel' command instead? In other words, is there a way to run SystemVerilog simulations including XMODEL primitives by using the 'ncverilog' or 'vcs' command directly?

2 Answers
SA Support Team Staff answered 4 years ago

Yes, you can run SystemVerilog simulations with XMODEL primitives without using the 'xmodel' launcher command. As a matter of fact, the 'xmodel' launcher is simply a wrapper script that provides a consistent command-line interface working with multiple simulators: e.g. VCS, NCVerilog/Xcelium, and ModelSim/Questa. Once receiving a user command, the 'xmodel' launcher translates it into the simulator-specific commands and executes them.

You can see these simulator-specific commands executed by the 'xmodel' launcher by adding a '--command' option to your 'xmodel' command. For example, if your command is:

xmodel --top tb --simtime 10ns --timescale 1ps/1ps --sim vcs

which uses VCS, you can append a '--command' option to see the actual commands and options executed by the 'xmodel' launcher:

$ xmodel --top tb --simtime 10ns --timescale 1ps/1ps --sim vcs --command

vcs +v2k -sverilog +vpi -debug_access +incdir+${XMODEL_HOME}/include \
    -f ${XMODEL_HOME}/include/xmodel.f -top XMODEL_global -full64 \
    -P ${XMODEL_HOME}/lib/x86_64/ ${XMODEL_HOME}/lib/x86_64/ \ -top tb -timescale=1ps/1ps +define+XMODEL +define+XMODEL_TIMEPRECISION=1ps \
    -o ./simv
./simv +vcs+finish+10ns

On the other hand, the same command for the NCVerilog simulator gives:

$ xmodel --top tb --simtime 10ns --timescale 1ps/1ps --sim ncverilog --command

ncverilog -elaborate +nctop+XMODEL_global +ncerror+CUVMPW \
    +incdir+${XMODEL_HOME}/include -f ${XMODEL_HOME}/include/xmodel.f \
    +nc64bit +sv_lib=${XMODEL_HOME}/lib/x86_64/ \
    +loadvpi=${XMODEL_HOME}/lib/x86_64/xmodel_nc:sys_register_xmodel +access+rwc \ +nctop+tb +nctimescale+1ps/1ps +define+XMODEL +define+NCVERILOG \
ncverilog -R -s +ncunbuffered +nc64bit +sv_lib=${XMODEL_HOME}/lib/x86_64/ \
    +loadvpi=${XMODEL_HOME}/lib/x86_64/xmodel_nc:sys_register_xmodel \
    -input "@run -timepoint 10ns; exit"

For XCelium:

$ xmodel --top tb --simtime 10ns --timescale 1ps/1ps --sim xcelium --command

xmverilog -elaborate +xmtop+XMODEL_global +xmerror+CUVMPW \
    +incdir+${XMODEL_HOME}/include -f ${XMODEL_HOME}/include/xmodel.f \
    +xm64bit +sv_lib=${XMODEL_HOME}/lib/x86_64/ \
    +loadvpi=${XMODEL_HOME}/lib/x86_64/xmodel_xm:sys_register_xmodel +access+rwc \ +xmtop+tb +xmtimescale+1ps/1ps +define+XMODEL +define+NCVERILOG 
xmverilog -R -s +xmunbuffered +xm64bit +sv_lib=${XMODEL_HOME}/lib/x86_64/ \
    +loadvpi=${XMODEL_HOME}/lib/x86_64/xmodel_xm:sys_register_xmodel \
    -input "@run -timepoint 10ns; exit"

And for ModelSim/Questa:

$ xmodel --top tb --simtime 10ns --timescale 1ps/1ps --sim modelsim --command

vlib work
vlog -sv -mfcu +incdir+${XMODEL_HOME}/include -f ${XMODEL_HOME}/include/xmodel.f \ -timescale 1ps/1ps +define+XMODEL +define+XMODEL_TIMEPRECISION=1ps
vsim -c XMODEL_global -sv_lib ${XMODEL_HOME}/lib/x86_64/xmodel_msim \
    -pli ${XMODEL_HOME}/lib/x86_64/ tb -do "run 10ns; exit" \
    -wlf ./xmodel.wlf

Please note that these simulator-specific commands may change without notice in future XMODEL releases.

SA Support Team Staff answered 4 years ago

For your information, here are examples of running the same simulation using the 'xrun' or 'xmsim' commands instead of the 'xmverilog' command. While all of them are the commands of Cadence XCelium delivering eventually the same results, please note the subtle differences in their option formats (e.g. +loadvpi vs. -loadvpi).

xrun -top XMODEL_global -xmerror CUVMPW \
    -incdir ${XMODEL_HOME}/include -f ${XMODEL_HOME}/include/xmodel.f \
    -64bit -sv_lib ${XMODEL_HOME}/lib/x86_64/ \
    -loadvpi ${XMODEL_HOME}/lib/x86_64/xmodel_xm:sys_register_xmodel -access +rwc \
    -define XMODEL -define NCVERILOG -define XMODEL_TIMEPRECISION=1ps \ -top tb -timescale 1ps/1ps \
    -unbuffered -input "@run -timepoint 10ns; exit"
xmvlog -sv -incdir ${XMODEL_HOME}/include -f ${XMODEL_HOME}/include/xmodel.f \
    -define XMODEL -define NCVERILOG -define XMODEL_TIMEPRECISION=1ps \
xmelab XMODEL_global -timescale 1ps/1ps -xmerror CUVMPW \
    -loadvpi ${XMODEL_HOME}/lib/x86_64/xmodel_xm:sys_register_xmodel -access +rwc \
    tb -snapshot worklib.tb:module
xmsim worklib.tb:module \
    -64bit -sv_lib ${XMODEL_HOME}/lib/x86_64/ \
    -loadvpi ${XMODEL_HOME}/lib/x86_64/xmodel_xm:sys_register_xmodel \
    -unbuffered -input "@run -timepoint 10ns; exit"

Similarly, here are examples of running the same simulation using the 'irun' or 'ncsim' commands instead of the 'ncverilog' command of Cadence INCISIVE (NCVerilog). Again, please note the subtle differences in their option formats. Please refer to the Cadence documentation for more information.

irun -top XMODEL_global -ncerror CUVMPW \
    -incdir ${XMODEL_HOME}/include -f ${XMODEL_HOME}/include/xmodel.f \
    -64bit -sv_lib ${XMODEL_HOME}/lib/x86_64/ \
    -loadvpi ${XMODEL_HOME}/lib/x86_64/xmodel_xm:sys_register_xmodel -access +rwc \
    -define XMODEL -define NCVERILOG -define XMODEL_TIMEPRECISION=1ps \ -top tb -timescale 1ps/1ps \
    -unbuffered -input "@run -timepoint 10ns; exit"
ncvlog -sv -incdir ${XMODEL_HOME}/include -f ${XMODEL_HOME}/include/xmodel.f \ 
    -define XMODEL -define NCVERILOG -define XMODEL_TIMEPRECISION=1ps \
ncelab XMODEL_global -timescale 1ps/1ps -ncerror CUVMPW \
    -loadvpi ${XMODEL_HOME}/lib/x86_64/xmodel_nc:sys_register_xmodel -access +rwc \
    tb -snapshot worklib.tb:module
ncsim worklib.tb:module \
    -64bit -sv_lib ${XMODEL_HOME}/lib/x86_64/ \
    -loadvpi ${XMODEL_HOME}/lib/x86_64/xmodel_nc:sys_register_xmodel \
    -unbuffered -input "@run -timepoint 10ns; exit"