
CommunityCategory: GLISTEREditing the parameter information in the SystemVerilog source file after it is imported as an xmodel view.


Editing the parameter information in the SystemVerilog source file after it is imported as an xmodel view.

SA Support Team Staff 2019-04-04

When a SystemVerilog source file is imported as an “xmodel” view, GLISTER creates a symbol based on the port information and CDF parameters based on the parameter information defined in the source file. Can I make edits to the parameter list defined in the source file afterward? Will the changes be reflected in the CDF parameters of the cell?

1 Answers
Best Answer
SA Support Team Staff 2019-04-04

Yes and yes. Even when you edit the parameter information defined in the SystemVerilog source file which is already imported as an xmodel view, the changes will be reflected to the CDF parameters of the cell. That is, new CDF parameters may be created and unused CDF parameters may be deleted. However, the changes get reflected only when you edit the source file using the XMODEL IDE tool, i.e., the geany text editor that starts when you double-click the xmodel view from the Library Manager. If you have made edits using other means, you can open and close the xmodel view using the XMODEL IDE tool to propagate the changes. Since GLISTER automatically manages the CDF parameters based on the parameters defined in the source file, we recommend users not to edit the CDF parameters of the xmodel view themselves. The manual changes made to the CDF parameters may get lost by GLISTER.