
chirp_gen :
An analog chirp generator

The chirp_gen primitive generates a chirp signal, which is a sinusoidal signal of which frequency varies with time. Depending on the parameter mode, the frequency can vary linearly (mode=’linear’) or exponentially (mode=’exp’) with time. The parameters freq_start and freq_stop define the start and stop frequencies, respectively, and the parameter period defines the time it takes for the frequency to change from freq_start to freq_stop.

The parameter delay defines when the chirp starts and parameter init_phase defines its initial phase then. The parameter amp and offset define the amplitude and offset of the output sinusoid, respectively.

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
out output xreal signal output


Name Type Default Unit Description
offset real 0.0 None offset
amp real 1.0 None amplitude
freq_start real 1.0e6 Hz start frequency
freq_stop real 10.0e9 Hz stop frequency
period real 1e-6 seconds sweep period
mode string ‘linear’ None sweep mode
delay real 0.0 seconds initial delay
init_phase real 0.0 radian initial phase
clk_gen »