7. diff_jez: JEZ-Format Waveform File Comparison Utility

diff_jez: JEZ-Format Waveform File Comparison Utility


The diff_jez utility compares two JEZ-format waveform files and determines whether they are equivalent or not. This utility is useful when performing a regression test, where one wants to make sure that the simulation results match the expected results.

Basic Command

The usage of diff_jez utility is simple. Just provide the names of the two JEZ-format waveform files to be compared as the arguments to the diff_jez command:

unix> diff_jez FILE1.jez FILE2.jez

By default, the utility returns no messages when the two waveform files match. It displays a comparison report only when the two files are different.

To display the comparison report also when the two files match, use -v or --verbose option:

unix> diff_jez --verbose FILE1.jez FILE2.jez

Or, to suppress the comparison report being displayed at all times, use -q or --quiet option. In this case, the comparison result is indicated only by the status code of the utility (0 for pass, -1 for fail).

unix> diff_jez --quiet FILE1.jez FILE2.jez

Available Options

Typing the command diff_jez -h on the UNIX command-line prompt displays all the available options for the diff_jez utility.

unix> diff_jez -h
Usage: diff_jez.pyo [options] FILE1.jez FILE2.jez

Compare two JEZ-formatted files

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -q, --quiet      quiet mode; suppress reports even when the files are different.
  -v, --verbose   verbose mode; report also when the files are the same.

Descriptions on the selected options are as follow:

  • -q, or --quiet: suppress reports even when the files are different (quiet mode).
  • -v, or --verbose: reports also when the files are matched (verbose mode).
« 6. jez2vcd: JEZ-to-VCD Waveform Format Converter