
FAQ about Account

more-iconQ. I have not received the welcome email after my registration. how do I login?

A. A newly registered user should receive an automatically-generated welcome email bearing his/her initial password. If you have not received one yet, a good chance is that the email is in your spam folder or filtered by your email system. If you can’t still find it, please don’t hesitate to contact directly for assistance.

more-iconQ. What is the difference between the regular and associate memberships?

A. Regular members are those with currently-active licenses to use Scientific Analog products by agreeing to our licensing terms. Regular members can enjoy and access all features and resources available from the Scientific Analog support website. On the other hand, associate members are those who are interested in learning about XMODEL, GLISTER, and MODELZEN and they can watch tutorial/demo videos, post questions, and learn tips from the community. The following table compares the access privileges available for the regular and associate members.

Regular Member Associate Member
Downloads check-icon
Resources check-icon
Community check-icon check-icon (Question Only)

more-iconQ. My Company/Institution/University has an active XMODEL license. Why am I still an associate member?

A. Your regular membership is approved automatically when you register with an official email address showing your affiliation with your company, institution, or university, which has the active license to use the Scientific Analog products. Note that the accounts registered with third-party email service providers such as Gmail, Outlook, and NAVER cannot be approved for regular membership. If you think your membership status is in error, please contact for inquiry.